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MAK Introduction


The Introduction Period of Tilburg University forms the ideal opportunity for all Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) students to kick start their academic career. MAK organises various introduction activities during TOP Week in August and thereafter for new bachelor students and new pre-master students at TiSEM.

Are you interested in becoming part of MAK to organize introduction activities for many students? Become active at MAK!


Introduction Day (19 August)

This year the Program Introduction will take place on Monday August 19th. The Program Introduction is mandatory for all TiSEM bachelor students. as you will be introduced to the university and your lecture groups, with whom you willl go to all lectures during your first year

The Program Introduction is mandatory for all starting bachelor students who subscribed for a study at Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM), except for pre-master and master students. TOP Week starts with the first Program Introduction for all new bachelor students from TiSEM on Monday the 19th of August. This day is the start of the GROW@TiSEM Mentoring Program and forms the ideal opportunity for you to get to know your fellow students with whom you will spend the rest of your Bachelor period. You will automatically participate in the MAK Introduction Day, since it is mandatory for all new TiSEM students. The day starts around 8:30 am (check your mailbox for the exact time slot) at the sports centre of Tilburg University for the registration, where you will meet your mentors and group. The day ends around 5:00 pm. If you subscribed for TOP week you will have your first TOP activity in the evening. 

For the full program of the MAK Introduction Days, click here


MAK Party (22 August)

The most amazing night of the TOP week takes place at Wednesday August 22th during the MAK Promo party. The MAK Promo party starts around 8/9 pm at STUDIO and includes free beer. You do not want to miss this out! Get your wristband during the Introduction Day or at the 013 Fair on Tuesday!


(Pre)-Master Students: Study Program Introduction (16 August)

For all (pre)-Master students, a study program introduction is organized by MAK to prepare you for next year. The program is not mandatory, but we do advise you to go, since you will receive information about different aspects of your student career. You can enjoy a talkshow about student life as a (pre)-Master student, an information market and an inspiration session given by Student Career Services. More information about the (Pre)-Master Students: Online Study Program Introduction will follow shortly. For more information, click here


TOP Week (Monday evening August 19th - Friday August 23rd)

Every year, before the academic year starts, TOP Week takes place. TOP is an abbreviation for Tilburg Orientation Program. This is the general introduction week for all new Tilburg University students. 
This week forms the ideal opportunity for you to get to know your fellow students! More Information about TOP Week can be found here. TOP Week is from August 19-23. On August 19th the TOP program starts in the evening.

TOP Week is the first time freshmen have the opportunity to get to know each other. Throughout the whole week all kind of fun activities will be organized that will stimulate the introduction and integration of the students. During this week, all freshmen will be divided into groups of approximately 20 people who all have the same study program. The group will be guided by two senior students (student mentors), who will show them all aspects of student life in Tilburg. The week gives you an impression of all sport clubs, study associations and student groups Tilburg has to offer. You will meet many new people and make great friends of the same study program.


A Perfect Start

In this booklet, you can find all information you need to know when starting a program at Tilburg University. It includes information about courses, examinations, studying at Tilburg University, study progress and the possibilities to become active besides your studies. Furthermore, you will find an overview of the academic year and the important contact information.

APS 2024-2025 NL

APS 2024-2025 EN


Digital Learning Environment

During the Program Introduction you receive assistance in navigating the Digital Learning Environment of Tilburg University (e.g. how Osiris and Canvas work). If you need further assistance or would like a recap, MAK has helped the university to make instruction videos about our digital learning environment.