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Pre-Master Students

What to expect as a pre-master student?

Pre-Master Students: Study Program Introduction 

For all pre-master students, a study program introduction is organized by MAK to prepare you for your pre-master. The program is not mandatory, but we do advise you to participate if you have never studied at Tilburg University before. During the day, the Education Coordinator will tell you all relevant information about doing a pre-master at Tilburg University. On top of that, you will get some more information about the digital learning environments of Tilburg University like Canvas, Osiris and MyTimetable. The Program Introduction will take place on Friday August 16th. 

Explore 013 Fair

On Tuesday August 20th, all new students can visit the Explore 013 Fair, organized by TOP Week, on campus. During the explore 013 Fair, you will get to know different organisations due to several games. Think about university parties, study and student associations, pubs and large companies. On top of that, you can play games together with your fellow students. Participation is free and you do not need to sign up.

A Perfect Start

In this booklet, you can find all information you need to know when starting a program at Tilburg University. It includes information about courses, examinations, studying at Tilburg University, study progress and the possibilities to become active besides your studies. Furthermore, you will find an overview of the academic year and the important contact information.

APS 2023 - 2024 NL 

APS 2023 - 2024 EN

Digital Learning Environment

During the MAK Introduction Days you receive assistance in navigating the Digital Learning Environment of Tilburg University (e.g. how Osiris and Canvas work). If you need further assistance or would like a recap, MAK Supported by Asset has helped the university to make instruction videos about our digital learning environment.