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About MAK

MAK Supported by Asset organizes a mentorship system on behalf of Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM). MAK focuses on helping students to get adjusted and acquainted to student life, both study-related and socially. Besides, it is our goal to provide useful information to prospective, first year and pre-master students. Moreover, MAK supports (senior) students in their study program. These goals are translated into our core pillars: Study Orientation, Introduction Activities, GROW@TiSEM Mentoring Program and Study Support which are elaborated below. 

Study Orientation

MAK aims to provide useful study information to prospective, first year and pre-master students. Student for a Night is a perfect example of an event that contributes to this pillar. During this day, MAK brings prospective students in contact with the city centre of Tilburg and its student life.


MAK organizes several introduction activities in order to give TiSEM freshmen the best start possible in their student careers. MAK Introduction Day (MID) is the perfect example of such an activity in which MAK tries to stimulate integration within TOP/Year groups by organizing several teambuilding activities. In these days, new students also get to know the campus and faculty. 


During the first year bachelor, MAK focuses on TiSEM freshmen to help them to develop themselves in a formal and informal way. This program is a collaboration between the Education Support Team (EST) from TiSEM, and MAK. The MAK Introduction Day (MID) is the start of the GROW@TiSEM Mentoring Program where the first-year students get to know their mentors and fellow students. Their mentors, which are recruited and selected by MAK, will be their first point of contact during the first year. A week after the MID, mentors will meet up with the students again to get to know each other better and establish a good foundation for the rest of the year. Every year, MAK organizes both formal and informal activities related to the GROW&TiSEM program. For example, the MAK Development Day is organized to get inspired and give the opportunity to develop yourself on a personal level.

Study Support

Providing educational support is another pillar on which MAK focuses. It aims to stimulate the academic progress of all TiSEM students. MAK organizes tutorship and private coaching. Tutorships are organized in small groups of approximately 15 students. Available tutorships are offered in our shop. MAK offers three types of tutorships. Full-semester tutorships consisting of 11 lessons, mid-semester tutorships consisting of 5/6 lessons, and (resit) crash courses consisting 9 hours in total, divided over two days. During these tutorships, the tutor provides its students with extra information concerning problematic courses and explains difficult exercises. Private Coaching has the same goal, but focuses on one-on-one tutoring in which the student receives all the information it needs to pass the exams.